Thursday July 11th, 2024

Stahl Gerlafingen signed with AEW Energie AG, a new contract for the realization of an additional photovoltaic plant

Our Swiss company, Stahl Gerlafingen signed with AEW Energie AG, a new contract for the realization of an additional photovoltaic plant on the roof of the warehouse sud.

The plant consists of approximately 6300 panels, has a power of 2.8 MWp and produces an amount of energy equivalent to the annual consumption of 650 households!

The commissioning is scheduled within October 2024. The whole produced energy will be used internally for the steel production.

This plant adds to the previous 2.2 MWp plant which came into operation in May and represent a further step in the decarbonisation strategy of the group.

Thanks to AEW Energie AG for this new collaboration.