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Human resources have always been at the heart of our growth. The ability to enhance people's skills and experience, at all levels and in all company functions, is the driving force for continuous improvement of performance.

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We manage the search, selection, and onboarding process trying to win the candidates over before they win us over. We have specific HR development programs dedicated to following the employee throughout the cycle of their working life, from their entry into the company until their departure. Given the investment involved and the complexity of the training in the steel sector, it is fundamental to retain people and correctly manage the onboarding and offboarding process. In terms of retention, we have developed a welfare and total compensation systems that offer employees more than just a salary. We try to provide flexibility in working hours by bringing to the company those services that would otherwise be looked for during personal time focusing attention on prevention and health, and investing as a company in welfare programs, ensuring that everything possible is done in this direction.

Employment trends

AFV Beltrame Group operates in a European dimension in economically developed areas with a extensive industrial tradition (for example, in Italy, Veneto, Piemonte). The number of employees at AFV Beltrame Group level has grown over the last three years, reaching 2.025 units. Employment policy continues to be concentrated on essential investments in development and training activities, dedicated onboarding courses (e.g., Induction Week), training activities in collaboration with local institutions in the areas in which the Group operates (e.g., Giovani d’Acciaio). The Group participates in Career Days, which are fundamental opportunities to speak directly with students. The Group participates in these events all year round as they are a main moment to present our reality to new graduates looking for their first job.


Training plays a very important role in the processes of knowledge creation and development, which represent a great value for the company. At the same time guarantees greater involvement, commitment and growth to the resources themselves. The Beltrame Group has set up a Corporate Academy that oversees and coordinates the corporate training activities in the various areas or countries, so they are consistent with the corporate strategy. The Corporate Academy is born from the following “vision”: The changing scenarios that generate complexity and indeterminacy require companies like ours to re-align strategies and continuously adapt training to maintain competitiveness consistently. This “vision” generates the “mission” and the key objectives of the Academy. The “mission” is to guarantee the professional, cultural, and human growth of Beltrame Group people to create value by supporting the processes of change, ensuring the alignment of corporate values, and strengthening the competitive position on the market.

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Equal gender opportunities

The company promotes staff development based on totally meritocratic criteria, in which there is no room for gender or other discrimination, neither during the selection phase nor during the professional journey of the workers. We make an effort to promote female employment, having a company population numerically unbalanced towards the male gender. On the occasion of 2019 International Women’s Day, the company offered all Italian employees a specific check-up to prevent typically female diseases. For many years, the company has supported future mothers by integrating 80% of the salary covered by INPS during the compulsory maternity period with the remaining 20% paid by the company, and, where possible, tries to meet the family needs of employees with personalized working hours. We are working to create even more employee work-life balance by promoting well-being and family time, and therefore indirectly more women in our realities


Each company is responsible for creating favorable conditions for the development of the people who work there. Making our environment a place where you work well, feel good and grow together is a goal that we have set ourselves and in which we believe.

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Attracting and retaining young talent is a central point of our HR policies. In light of attracting new talent, we maintain active relations with universities and schools. We organize company visits for students, career days and attend job fairs we find interesting. We collaborate with student organizations and support them in organizing their events. We accommodate undergraduates and interns in various business areas, additionally in international projects that allow students or recent graduates to experience locations outside their home countries. We refund the expenses our newly graduated interns and grant them use of the company canteen to support them in this otherwise ‘expensive’ course of studies. We involve them in various activities, so that the intern actually obtains a wellrounded vision of the company and the profession they have chosen for their future. We are increasingly moving towards digitalization to streamline and modernize our HR processes. We boast a structured onboarding process, aimed at transforming the stress of starting a new job into a training experience by greeting the new employee with a welcome kit.This is a moment dedicated to onboarding and a periodic training week for new entries in which all company departments explain who does what within the company. A guided tour is of the plant is organized and, whenever possible, a motivator or an external speaker participates in these events to enhence the experience. This format, tested in the Italian Headquarters, has been replicated, with necessary adaptations, in other Group offices.

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