Wednesday August 3rd, 2022

Stahl Gerlafingen and its own honey to promote biodiversity

The steel produced at AFV Beltrame’s Swiss plant in Gerlafingen is 100% recycled. In a recent article in the Solothurner Zeitung Honigbienen und Stahlproduktion: Das passt in Gerlafingen gut zusammen, Peter Hüsser, Head of technical services, explains that Stahl Gerlafingen is committed to environmentally friendly and sustainable production.

The company is trying to implement this during daily steel production and other areas of its operations.
Green facades have been planted and natural meadows have been created on the company premises. Furthermore, the company maintains bodies of water on the spot.

Beavers have taken up residence, and the company now has bee colonies on the site.

Bees are essential for biodiversity, says Hüsser.

Stahl Gerlafingen specifically looked for a beekeeper who would like to set up his bee boxes on the site.

This spring, the beekeeper was already able to harvest around 250 kilograms of honey for Stahl Gerlafingen AG.

Another 100 kilograms or so are likely to be added. Stahl Gerlafingen will buy it and give it to employees, customers, and suppliers.