Thursday September 29th, 2022

The San Giovanni Valdarno plant celebrates 150 years of the ironworks

We celebrated yesterday with authorities, institutions and employees the 150th anniversary of the ancient Ferriera of San Giovanni Valdarno, where the Beltrame Group has one of its Italian production plants.

“The company invests in the San Giovanni Valdarno area through a demanding and challenging industrial strategy, to be integrated with a market situation that is experiencing new dynamics compared to previous years, and always with great attention to the issue of #territorial sustainability (last year the railway junction was reopened).

In addition, the complete revamping of the electrical part of the profile straightening area has just been completed, and new investments are planned to improve industrial performance, as well as specific training for personnel to enable them to learn know-how in line with the latest technological innovations in the steel industry,’ commented Alessandro Franconi, Country COO AFV Beltrame Group.

Read the full articles here:
Valdarno Post