Wednesday June 5th, 2019

[:it ] Giornata della Sicurezza & Ambiente in LME Safety & Environmental Day in LME

New edition of the “Safety and Environment day” in LME today, an occasion to show that Safety is the LME main priority once more. Leading topic of this edition: The Safety road, which evokes also the new “Plan of mobility” project on going in the company. A great event to share a convivial moment and […]

Friday May 31st, 2019


We communicate that AFV Beltrame Group will shortly increase the selling price of its products, independently of the market situation and of any operator expectation. This decision comes from the costs of prolonged productive interruptions occurred during the last months, which caused critical issues concerning the stock range and level in our European plants. The […]

Monday May 27th, 2019


Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Con piacere condividiamo la puntata di Nautilus dedicata all’: “ACCIAIO, IL MATERIALE INFINITO” andata in onda sul canale RAI SCUOLA (146 del […]

Thursday May 23rd, 2019

Università Aperta 2019

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Università Aperta 2019! Ti aspettiamo oggi alla 14° edizione del #CareerDay generale di Ateneo che coinvolgerà tutti gli studenti e i laureati […]

Barbara Beltrame member in the board of national Confindustria

Congratulations to our Barbara Beltrame Giacomello for the election as a representative in the board of national Confindustria !Il Giornale di Vicenza 23.05.2019

Thursday May 9th, 2019

“Speed Interview”presso il Complesso universitario di Vicenza

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Se sei un/a giovane studente di Economia e Ingegneria presso il polo universitario di Vicenza, ti aspettiamo domani per una “Speed Interview”presso […]

Made in Steel 2019 is fast approaching

Made in Steel, the southern Europe’s premier tradeshow for the steel industry is drawing nearer! GRUPPO BELTRAME will wait for you at Hall 24, booth D 5 from 14th to 16th May. Come to visit us!

Monday May 6th, 2019

Work/Family balance policy in Stahl Gerlafingen

The local government together with the industry are stepping up the efforts to facilitate work environments where profession and familiy needs are more balanced out. Companies were asked to present themselves and Stahl Gerlafingen took chance as a first responser to present their family friendly activities. During a media conference hosted at our Stahl Gerlafingen, […]

Wednesday April 24th, 2019

Group Purchasing Team Meeting in Vicenza

Group Purchasing Team Meeting in Vicenza to discuss, organize and improve the overall efficiency of the supply networks and to take a more collaborative and integrated view of managing the movement of goods, services and information through all our Companies

Thursday April 18th, 2019

France’s Ambassador to Rome visits AFV Beltrame Group

We have been honoured to host France’s Ambassador to Rome Mr. Christian Masset with Mrs Masset, accompanied by Antoine Starky, Cyrille Rougeau, Charlotte Diers, Remo Pedon, Vice-Chairman of Confindustria Vicenza and Barbara Beltrame Giacomello, Head of Communications & Marketing AFV Beltrame Group, for a guided tour of our Vicenza’s plant. Here the article published by […]

Friday March 22nd, 2019

International Graduate Program

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Sei un giovane ambizioso? Ti interessa un percorso di crescita all’estero? Vuoi misurarti con una nuova sfida professionale? Invia subito la tua […]

Thursday March 21st, 2019

9°th Energy Group Meeting

The 9°th Energy Group Meeting has been successful! Sharing energy saving projects between countries is our achieved goal. Location of the event was the headquarter of “Idroelettriche Riunite S.p.A.” in Colzè (VI). This Hydropower plant was strongly desired by the founder Antonio Beltrame and completed in 1939 with a direct power line to Vicenza Melt […]

Tuesday March 19th, 2019

Festival Città Impresa 2019

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. E’ stato presentato ieri il “Festival Città Impresa”: dal 29 al 31 marzo, a Vicenza, ministri, economisti e imprese si metteranno a […]

Monday March 18th, 2019

University student’s interview

Our colleagues Silvia Ghini, Quality Manager Italy and Giulia Marcigaglia, HR Generalist Training and Recruitment Italy will be interviewed today by the University students of the University Complex of Viale Margherita 87, Vicenza. The event aims to promote mutual knowledge between leading companies and students and focuses in particular on all aspects related to product […]

Friday March 8th, 2019

AFV Beltrame Group celebrates WWD with free female medical screening

To commemorate International Women’s Day, in collaboration with Lifebrain, AFV Beltrame Group Italy offers to all its female employees free of charge medical examinations, screening and specific women checkups in order to improve and increase more and more welfare policies #SteelWomen #8March #IWD19 #AFVBeltrameGroup

Wednesday March 6th, 2019

AFV at the Exhibition #LavoroChiamaItalia

Are you university students? Young graduates who are about to approach the world of work? We are waiting for you on Thursday 7 March at the Exhibition Lavoro Chiama Italia at VeronaFiere! Our HR Team is ready to welcome your CV, talk with you and show you the open positions and career opportunities in our […]

Tuesday March 5th, 2019

Donalam & ISU Calarasi together

Together with the Fire Department of Calarasi (ISU Calarasi) our Donalam Company has organised a fire training excercise focused on emergency situations in a steel mill. How to manage complex events, which evacuating procedures are needed, which actions has to be taken in order to limit negative impacts, the key-lessons learned. Well done! #Donalam #EmergencySituations […]

Thursday February 28th, 2019

Partnerships with schools

The growing need to bridge the skills-gap, as well as the wish to offer to many passionate young people different professional developement paths and opportunities in our Company, is what lead us to team up with schools. Here an interesting morning shared with the students of Istituto Lampertico in Vicenza. #training #AFVBeltrameGroup

Tuesday February 19th, 2019

New ISO 45001

A workshop focused on the new ISO 45001 standard (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems) was held in Vicenza by Maurizio Caccia. Valerio Forti, Group EHS Director has highlighted: “The implementation of this new standard will allow us to improve the set-up of our Health and Safety Management System, by providing us a framework to […]

Monday February 11th, 2019

4° Green Belt Training

We have launched the 4th Green Belt Training in AFV thanks to Operational Excellence team. Other 8 colleagues started the Green Belt Program that will drive them to an international certification for Continuous Improvement. There is always room for growing! #improve #grow #AfvBeltrameGroup

Friday February 8th, 2019

TOP500 Vicenza

Honoured to be listed as one of the #top500 Companies in Vicenza today!

Friday January 18th, 2019

Summary table – Cost factors inflation rates 12_2018

Summary table Cost factors inflation rates_12 2018

Monday January 7th, 2019

Happy New Year

We are back! We asked our children to draw: “THE GREEN FACTORY I DREAM”. Their answers are our 2019 Calendar! Happy New Year!

Friday December 14th, 2018

Summary table – Cost factors inflation rates 11_2018

Summary table Cost factors inflation rates_11 2018

Wednesday December 5th, 2018

An article about LME

Want to know more about LME Beltrame Group? Here an in-depth article about our french Company published by La Voix du Nord

Tuesday November 27th, 2018

AFV Beltrame Group #TOP100 Companies in Veneto

We’re proud to be listed as one of the #TOP100 Companies in Veneto!#AFVBeltrameGroup

Friday November 23rd, 2018

Getting to the hearth of Workplace Safety

Today, Stefano Costaioli, Group Health and Safety Director is one of the speaker at a very interesting training organised by ENGIM VENETO SFP Patronato Leone XIII School about #Work & #Safety, a topic that requires continuous vigilance and awareness. Here we are!

Monday November 19th, 2018

#CircularEconomy in Stahl Gerlafingen

Since many years, Stahl Gerlafingen runs different courses. This year, we welcomed around 30 persons from our suppliers for a course on scrap handling, scrap quality and recycling. Steel is a highly recycleable product and contributes to sustainable production. The purer the steel scrap, the smaller the amount of slag, energy demand and the CO2 […]

Friday November 16th, 2018

Summary table – Cost factors inflation rates 10

Summary Table_ Cost factors inflation rates_10 2018

Induction Week in AFV

Induction Week for our 2018 new employees in the Vicenza site. We have organised trainings, meetings with the Staff and a Company guided tour to provide them with a glimpse into the reality, culture and values of our departments. Welcome on board to all of you!

Monday November 12th, 2018


There are 23 new companies that together with AFV Beltrame Group have entered the ELITE network last week. They come from 11 different Italian regions and represent many different sectors of entrepreneurial excellence of our country. Their aggregate turnover is 2.4 billion euros and in total employ 8,600 employees. Proud to be part of it. […]

Thursday November 8th, 2018

AFV Beltrame Group joins Elite

Proud to announce AFV Beltrame Group joins Elite

Wednesday October 31st, 2018

ENGIM VENETO SFP Patronato Leone XIII School visits our site

We have hosted the students of the mechanical section of the ENGIM VENETO SFP Patronato Leone XIII School at our Vicenza site, to give them a first taste of what could be a future job in a steel industry! It was a pleasure to satify their curious-to know questions and answer their interested queries! #afvtraining

Thursday October 25th, 2018

Group Energy Meeting at CUOA Business School

Growing energy demand, different energy sources, environmental impact from energy-use and energy-pricing increases pose challenges for industrial companies, especially for those of the steel sector. We have discussed all these topics at our Group Energy Meeting at CUOA Business School today, together also with Alperia Bartucci S.p.A., E.ON Italia S.p.A. and Sere. An interesting workshop […]

Thursday October 18th, 2018

New trucks!

New trucks are on the road! To serve more and deliver better to our customers! #BestInService #AfvBeltrameGroup

Monday October 15th, 2018

Just few seconds can save your life

Just few seconds can save your life. Never allow exemptions from wearing PPE also for those jobs that “only take a few minutes”…Look at the video! #SafetyFirst #UsePPE #AFVBeltrameGroup

Thursday October 11th, 2018

Summary table – Cost factors inflation rates 09

Summary Table – Cost factors inflation rates_09 2018

Energy Efficiency

Gianmaria Zanni, Group Energy Manager AFV Beltrame Group, was one of the speakers at the #ItsAllEnergyEfficiency Event, organised by Brainz Italy. 50 Speakers, 2 Sessions, 6 Round tables, 5 Compared sectors: all focused on best practices and energy saving solutions to be competitive in the market. #energysaving #AFVBeltrameGroup

Monday October 8th, 2018

An article and photo–essay about LME

A very interesting article and photo–essay about LME Beltrame Group published by ECO 121. Read it here for more details:

Friday September 28th, 2018

An Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro project

An internship in AFV Beltrame Group is always an experience rich in value: for the expertises taught and for the human relationships created. Goodbye to our students of the Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro project! Keep going guys! #internship #learning #AfvBeltrameGroup

Wednesday September 26th, 2018

SARR Project

Our approach to #CircularEconomy focuses on different waste recovery projects, in order to develop the use of steel process by-products in several industrial sectors. In our Vicenza site, we are currently involved in a project (called SARR – Advanced Systems for Waste Recovery), aimed at the valorization of the ladle furnace slag as a hydraulic […]

Wednesday September 19th, 2018

LME involved in the #WorldCleanUpDay

A great morning for our LME collegues actively involved in the #WorldCleanUpDay event with part of families, friends and children. All were very happy to be there and motivated to clean! In only 2 hours, 4,5 tons of abandoned waste were collected!! Well done! Bravo! Read here the VDN article for more details: LME VDN […]

Monday September 17th, 2018

Safety Day 2018

Safety & Environment Day in all the Italian AFV Beltrame Group’s sites. Many initiatives have been organised to rise EHS awareness and to focus on the importance of the use of personal protective equipment. Video and info-points have been dedicated to the correct waste sorting (special thanks to AIM Group) and environmental emergencies (chemicals spill). […]

Friday September 14th, 2018

AFV Beltrame Group at Metal Expo 2018

AFV Beltrame Group at Metal Expo 2018, Istanbul, Turchia

World Clean up Day!

Tomorrow 15 September is the big day! Millions of volunteers in 150 Countries uniting to clean up the world in a single day: it’s the #WorldCleanUpDay Event! LME Beltrame Group is proud sponsor of this great initiative, and will actively participate! Are you ready? #letsdoitworld #worldcleanupday

Thursday September 13th, 2018

Summary table – Cost factors inflation rates 08

Summary table – Cost factors inflation rates_08 2018


Honored to be named #1 and rewarded for our project “EHS REPORTS MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE” by Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia, yesterday. The project was considered innovative because not only manage the activities coming from EHS reports, but also increase Environment, Healthy and Safety awareness through interaction and approval status at different levels. #AFVBeltrameGroup #EHS #Safety #Environment

Wednesday September 12th, 2018

Metal Expo Istanbul

We welcome you to come and visit our booth at Hall 10/07 at METAL EXPO, the iron, steel, metal products and manufactoring technologies Exhibition, hosted in Istanbul, from September 12 to 15. #MetalExpo #Exhibition #AfvBeltrameGroup

Monday September 10th, 2018

Afv Beltrame Group first Place Winner in the “Safety Prize” Category at the 37° AIM Workshop.

The School of Engineering & Architecture of the University of Bologna will host the 37th edition of the National Convention organised by the Italian Association for Metallurgy (AIM) from 12 to 14 September. A 3-day workshop, with special focus to trends and innovations in the automotive, packaging and mechanical sectors. AFV Beltrame Group will be […]

Wednesday August 29th, 2018

“Ruvido” by Stahl Gerlafingen

Our Stahl Gerlafingen Company invests in environment and recycling products working continuously on the improvements of the EOS granulate, a high quality-tested and certified recycling material. “Ruvido” this is the name of our product, is a gravel replacement material and is mainly used in civil engineering, road and building construction. #CircularEconomy #AfvBeltrameGroup

Friday August 3rd, 2018

AIM Safety Prize

Our project “EHS REPORTS MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE” ranked first in the “Safety Prize” of the 37° edition of the National Workshop promoted by the Italian Association for Metallurgy (AIM). The Awards Ceremony will take place in Semptember in Bologna! A great achievement!

Friday July 27th, 2018


350 hours of training throughout the year with a blend of tutored learning opportunity and practical on-the-job experience. This is “CAP LME”, the internal school in our French Company. At the end, after the final examination, the students achieve a recognised certificate in Metallurgy. We invest in young talents! #training #internalschool #AFVBeltrameGroup #LME

Wednesday July 25th, 2018

Group HR Meeting

The Group HR Meeting was held in our Headquarters in Vicenza recently, an occasion to share the Best Practices of the Countries and the Group Guidelines. It was a great workshop, and we are excited for all the projects we are going to put in place in the next months! #neverstop #AfvBeltrameGroup

Monday July 23rd, 2018

An interesting interview at Stahl Gerlafingen

Check out all the latest business trends and new projects about our Stahl Gerlafingen Company in this interesting interview. @Rene Bollier, Country Manager and @Ralph Balmer, HR and Communication, highlight details and future programs:

Monday July 16th, 2018

Riccardo Garrè interviewed by NZZ

Our CEO, Riccardo Garrè, interviewed by the NZZ on Sunday about trade and taxes, Beltrame’s unique selling proposition and production sites in Europe.

Friday July 13th, 2018

Summary table – Cost factors inflation rates 06

Summary Table – Cost factors inflation rates_06 2018

Wednesday July 11th, 2018

Take an healthy bite!

From food to exercise it depends on us to have a better health! Why not start also from workplace? In AFV Beltrame Group fruit baskets welcome and invite you to “take a healthy bite”! A new project for enhancing quality of life at work by improving the quality of what we eat. #health #improve #AFVBeltrameGroup

Friday July 6th, 2018

LME wins a GESIM Safety Challenge

We are very proud of our French team who won a GESIM Safety Challenge! The prize rewards the important improvement achieved about Safety and Health in the steel mill. Congrats to our 22 colleagues and the 1000 hours spent on the project

Wednesday July 4th, 2018

A new Group project with a TMP approach

In order to ensure machinery’s activities without breakdowns, downtime or defects we have launched a Group project with a Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) approach. 60 employees from all our companies were involved. Keep on going guys, AFV Beltrame Group “best in maintenance” payoff is on the way! #AFVBeltrameGroup #keepgoing

Monday July 2nd, 2018


Passion and Pride during the regional soccer tournament. Our company team is proud to have reached the 4th ranking. Players are confident to win back the championship trophy next year. We are proud of our steel power team and thank our fans and supporters. #AFVforsport #steelpower

Thursday June 21st, 2018

Announcement Price Increase 07.2018

 Announcement Price Increase 07.2018

Wednesday June 20th, 2018

13 New Green Belts in Stahl Gerlafingen

Do you know why Beltrame is bidding on Green Belts? Certified GB successfully applies process improvement to business and organization. We want to develop them as experts in identifying problems, analyzing data, and creating solutions to lower costs while improving quality. So, warm congrats for the great results obtained to the New 13 Green Belts […]

Friday June 15th, 2018

Sicurezza. Safety. Sicherheit. Sécurité. Sigurantà.

Sicurezza. Safety. Sicherheit. Sécurité. Siguranță. One word same commitment for all our Companies! Our French LME and Swiss Stahl Gerlafingen plants have celebrated Safety with many interactive workshops, training and the engagement of all the employees during all the day. Soon the same event in Italy and Romania #safety #AFVBeltrameGroup #ehs

Thursday June 14th, 2018

Summary table – Cost factors inflation rates 05

 Summary table_Cost factors inflation rates_05 2018 

Wednesday June 13th, 2018

Olympics of Information Technology in Calarasi

Our Company Donalam has been proud sponsor of the Olympics of Information Technology in Calarasi, where students had a great chance to challenge their IT skills in a amazing competition! #Donalam #training #informationtechnology

Monday June 11th, 2018

“Customer Day 2018” in Gerlafingen

Successful «Customer Day 2018 » in Gerlafingen with high level presentations and panel discussions from @Simon Jäggi ,SECO – long term challenges for the swiss economy and Rolf Weder, University of Basel ( – international trade and european integration. Eye catching factory tour with presentation of the new Stretching Line. Discussions and networking as part […]

Friday June 8th, 2018

The growth of LME

Congrats to our french Company LME for the good financial results achieved and for being on the right track in terms of growth and improvement! #LaminésMarchandsEuropéens #growth 

Tuesday June 5th, 2018

World Environment Day 2018

Today is the World Environment Day, AFV Beltrame Group confirms once more its commitment in a responsible industrial development by increasing waste recovery, energy efficiency and attending initiatives such as “World Clean up day 2018”. #WorldEnvironmentDay  #CircularEconomy  #greenmood

Friday June 1st, 2018

Siderweb interviews the CEO Riccardo Garrè

Our Ceo Riccardo Garré has been interviewed by Siderweb. Look at the video  for all the latest news about AFV Beltrame Group: #interview #grow #AfvBeltrameGroup

Tuesday May 29th, 2018

AFV attends Career Day of Padua University

Are you a university student? Would you take a look at what a role in AFV Beltrame Group could look like and find out more about the opportunities available? We wait for you tomorrow at the 13th edition of the CAREER DAY of the University of Padua! #careerday #paduauniversity

Monday May 28th, 2018

An article on La Repubblica newspaper about AFV Beltrame Group

Promise kept! AFV Beltrame Group returned to workers at least a portion of the sacrifices suffered during the past crisis. Find out more in the article published by The Repubblica newspaper. #peoplefirst #AfvBeltrameGroup #grow

Friday May 18th, 2018

BAQ 2018

We have received the “BAQ”! This mark enhances the commitment of companies in high quality training projects for the new generations. It rewards also the dedication in creating conditions to improve youth employment and the virtuous partnership with high schools and professional training centers ITS. #baq #training #AfvBeltrameGroup

Monday May 14th, 2018

LME supports the Circular Economy

  LME Beltrame Group supports the #CircularEconomy. 50.000 tonnes of slag, a by-product arising from the EAF steel production, are currently recovered as aggregates in the construction site of the northern bypass road of Valenciennes. This application, carried out only 10 km far from our production site, reduces the exploitation of natural resources and decreases transportation […]

Friday May 11th, 2018

Summary table – Cost factors inflation rates 04

Summary Table_Cost factors inflation rates_04 2018

Thursday May 10th, 2018

Article in Sole 24 Ore newspaper

A very interesting article about AFV Beltrame Group 2017 financial results has been published in the Sole 24 Ore newspaper! #keepongoing #grow

Wednesday May 9th, 2018

2017 Financial results

Glad to share with you the video about AFV Beltrame Group 2017 financial results. “Revenue have increased markedly” has commented the CEO Riccardo Garrè. “Competitiveness has continued to grow and has strengthened further thanks to the continuous improvement of all the Companies of the Group. We are ready for new challenges now”. #AfvBeltrameGroup #winningteam

Friday April 20th, 2018

Group EHS Meeting

Environment, Healthy and Safety are main points for all of us. They require continuous attention and awareness, talented management and a dedicated workforce. Our Group EHS Meeting was focused on the improvement of all these topics. Great team! #winningteam #afvbeltramegroup

Wednesday April 18th, 2018

Acciaierie Beltrame and LME together in a great running race

“If you want to run fast run alone, if you want to run far run together” an african saying goes. Congrats to our AFV Acciaierie Beltrame and LME colleagues for a great running race! #winningteam #afvforsport #neverquit

Wednesday April 11th, 2018

Summary table – Cost factors inflation rates 03

Summary table – Cost factors inflation rates_03.2018

Friday March 30th, 2018

Ideamanagement at Stahl Gerlafingen

At Stahl Gerlafingen, our Swiss Company, the #Ideamanagement is lived with a long tradition. Beacuse we are firmly committed to find out new ideas, go beyond challenges and uplift collaboration! So our best congratulations to the awarded employees from the “ideayear 2017”! #StahlGerlafingen #AfvBeltrameGroup

Monday March 19th, 2018

An updated Environmental Product Declaration of AFV Beltrame Group merchant bars

An updated Environmental Product Declaration of AFV Beltrame Group merchant bars has been validated by ICMQ and published by the Program Operator International EPD® System. New figures are available within the frame of a continuous environmental improvement of our processes and products. More details here: #improving

Thursday March 22nd, 2018

Our rewarded project EFESTO at #SMAU

We are honored to be present today with our rewarded project EFESTO at #SMAU, the leading event dedicated to #innovation in Italy. Come to see the latest trends in innovation, technology, digital and internationalization! #AfvBeltrameGroup

Friday March 16th, 2018

Riccardo Garrè, CEO AFV Beltrame Group interviewed about US steel tariffs

Our CEO Riccardo Garrè has been interviewed by Rai 3 Television about barriers to trade after US steel tariffs. Watch the video here:

Tuesday March 13th, 2018

AFV wins the “Smau Innovation Award”!

Our digital project EFESTO has been rewarded with the “SMAU INNOVATION PRIZE 2018”! Warm congrats for a well done job to the teams across our company who worked determinedly to this important achievement! #innovation #smau #AFVBeltrameGroup scheda_Beltrame_Smau_Padova_2018

Friday March 9th, 2018

Summary table – Cost factors inflation rates

Summary Table – Cost factors inflation rates_02 2018  

Wednesday March 7th, 2018

An energy saving program in LME Beltrame Group

As part of an energy saving program, LME BELTRAME GROUP in partnership with E.ON has developed an interesting project about a renewed lighting system to reduce energy consumption in Trith-Saint-Léger site. Discover more: #enerysaving #LMEBeltrameGroup

Thursday February 22nd, 2018

Summary table – Cost factors inflation rates

 Summary table – Cost factors inflation rates 01.2018

Friday February 16th, 2018

AFV supports CISA Palladio

 Art. Culture. Community. AFV Beltrame Group is pleased to partner and support CISA Palladio, the prestigious international Institute that promotes research, stages exhibitions, publishes books, and organises courses and seminars not only on historic but also modern architecture. #AFVforculture #AFVBeltrameGroup

Tuesday February 13th, 2018

LME Beltrame Group supports the World Cleanup Day 2018!

Waste should not be in cities or nature… but recycled! LME Beltrame Group supports the World Cleanup Day 2018! Do you know this event?  #WorldCleanupDay #ReduceReuseRecycle #CircularEconomy 

Tuesday February 6th, 2018

Report about cost factors inflation rates

January 2017/2018 Report about cost factors inflation rates Download PDF

Friday February 2nd, 2018

A vist of engineering students from Padova University in AFV

Glad to welcome today some passionate and talented engineering students from University of Padova! To give them insight into the steel industry in order to improve and raise their knowledge. #learning #improving 

Friday January 26th, 2018

New catalogue

Are you looking for the the widest range of merchant bars, beams, special steel SBQ and reinforcing steel? Have a look at our renewed and updated catalogue or request a copy! #newcatalogue #newcommunication 

Monday January 8th, 2018

2018 AFV Calendar

We asked our children to draw what their parents should do to work safely. Their answers are our 2018 Calendar! To remind us that safety is something we have to work towards every single day. Happy safe 2018! #safety #newyear 

Wednesday December 20th, 2017

A further goal #CircularEconomy

A further goal achieved for a sustainable #CircularEconomy! Recommended use of mineral construction materials in the cantons of Bern and Solothurn including electric arc furnace steel slag (EOS-Granulat) produced by our Swiss Company Stahl Gerlafingen #sustainability #EosGranulat 

Tuesday December 12th, 2017

Xmas in AFV

 A different afternoon yesterday in Vicenza site, as the year is coming to a close. The celebration of the 30 working Anniversary of some collegues, the connection with coworkers you don’t normally see on a daily basis and the traditional season’s greetings made the moment worthy to be in and shared #AfvWorld #AfvXmas 

Wednesday November 22nd, 2017

Workshop: “How to be hired”

 Worried about a job interview? What to expect? How to make a good first impression? We are ready to answer you and give you the best advice about what you may be asked, how to reply and how to behave. We wait for you at the meeting at Sala Civica Corte delle Filande in Montecchio Maggiore tonight.

Friday November 17th, 2017

PMI Day 2017

We hosted the students of the “PMI Day 2017” today! What did they get from this experience? A glimpse into the steel industry and an important advice for their future: Never give up and give always your best! #pmiday2017 #afvtraining #learning

Thursday November 16th, 2017

AFV Beltrame Group in the Top 400 best workplace in Italy

Very proud to announce that we have been listed in the”Top 400 best workplace in Italy”! #keepongrowing #AFVBeltrameGroup 

“New Future programme” stopped over in our Stahl Gerlafingen company

“New Future programme” stopped over in our Stahl Gerlafingen company! An important cooperation project between school, industry and parents to encourage equality between men and women in the choice of profession and planning of life. It allows young people to discover workplaces expanding their chances of choice for the future. A real opportunity to consider their […]

Monday November 13th, 2017

AFV at the TCS New York City Marathon

 Congrats to our colleagues Davide Ceotto (ranked 9.067) and Matteo Bertoldo (ranked 20.002) for attending the 47th edition of the world’s most famous marathon, the TCS New York City Marathon with over 53.000 members including 3.000 Italians. The competition crossed the five New York districts: Staten Island, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Manhattan, to reach the […]