Tuesday November 28th, 2023

The Beltrame Group participates in the “Steel seen from the South” conference

How has the steel industry in Central and Southern Italy reacted to the roller coaster of 2022/2023? How does it look in these last months of the year? What are operators’ expectations for 2024?

These are the main topics discussed during the conference ‘Steel seen from the South’, organised by siderweb in collaboration with Gruppo Rapullino, which will be held today at 3 pm in Naples (Salone D’Amato – Unione Industriali Napoli, Piazza dei Martiri, 58).

The event will also present the results of the ‘Bilanci d’Acciaio’ (Balances of Steel) study on the steel supply chain in central and southern Italy, the backbone of the southern Italian economy.

The meeting will be divided into two parts. In the first one, Arianna Ducoli and Stefano Ferrari from the siderweb Studies Office will respectively illustrate the macroeconomic and steel outlook in 2024 and the results of the steel supply chain in Central-Southern Italy in the three-year period 2020-2022.

In the second part, instead, a round table moderated by Davide Lorenzini (siderweb) will take place, in which some protagonists of the sector will discuss: Luigi Rapullino (Rapullino Group and Sideralba), Danilo De Giovanni (Movisid), Giancarlo Ventimiglio (BPER Banca) and Enrico Fornelli CCO AFV Beltrame Group.

To register for the event