Friday November 25th, 2022

How is the female gender seen in a steel industry?

How is the female gender seen in a steel industry?
Liliana Bica, HR manager at #Donalam, our company in #Romania, shared her thoughts for Ziarul Financiar about the challenges faced by women working in the steel industry, as well as prejudices and barriers related to perception.

“The proportion of women in this sector has increased over the last 10 years and is now between 6% and 25%, depending on their position and EU membership. In manufacturing we have women colleagues who are performing at the same level as men. The same goes for support, accounting, sales and IT,” said Liliana.

Currently, the Romanian subsidiary of AFV Beltrame Group is in the process of recruiting for both the Targoviste and Calarasi plants, with the objective of reaching a number of around 700-750 people by the end of the year.

Read here the article