Monday March 20th, 2023

Beltrame Group attends “NEXT GEN DAYS”

AFV Beltrame Group is also taking part in the ‘NEXT GEN DAYS’, the first training programme organised by Confindustria‘s foreign investor advisory board for the development of young talent through days of training and networking with colleagues from other companies.

“Italy’s competitiveness and growth also depend on the attention paid to the development of the skills of its human resources, with repercussions that go far beyond the benefits for the companies themselves,” said Confindustria Vice President for Internationalisation and President of the Foreign Investors Advisory Board Barbara Beltrame Giacomello. “It is from this conviction that this experimental project was born, which we hope will expand its sphere of action over time, involving more and more companies and young people”.

“This initiative represents first and foremost an extraordinary opportunity for growth, sharing and comparison between the young people of the multinational companies involved. During these days, participants are given high quality training on topics that are fundamental for the present and future competitiveness of companies, such as manufacturing, leadership, sustainability and business management, always emphasising the centrality of human capital in the development of companies.

I believe that these days are also a great opportunity for the companies involved, to better understand the aspirations of the younger generations, capturing their enthusiasm and energy, but also their concerns for the future, both in terms of their professional and personal lives.

All this with the aim of creating increasingly effective and satisfying growth paths for the young talents and managers of the future,’ concluded Roberto Valente, Group Chief HR & EHS Officer.