Tuesday March 5th, 2024

Agreement signed with Edison Next

The agreement signed with Edison Next to make the Group’s sites more and more efficient, is part of the AFV Beltrame Group’s commitment to reducing #emissions and increasing the environmental sustainability of our activities.

This commitment has been embodied in a decarbonisation plan that aims to reduce #CO2 emissions by 40% in Scope 1 and 2 by 2030, by leveraging 4 pillars: #productive efficiency, #circular economy actions, #self-consumption of #renewable energy and use of #hydrogen.

“After a proper analysis, we identified which consumption needs to be carefully controlled within our plants. At this point, we set up KPIs in order to find anomalies from malfunctions and waste through appropriate studies. This type of investigation allowed us to identify negative drifts in consumption, verifying the trend and thus allowing us to monitor the performance of the different plants. The installation of this system is part of the broader #decarbonisation path that we are taking: in this direction, we have recently acquired 12 hydroelectric power plants located in the Italian Alps: these assets will provide a significant contribution of renewable energy, enabling remote self-consumption and contributing to the achievement of our decarbonisation goals,’ explained Gianmaria Zanni, Energy COO.

Click here for full details.