Also in the Vicenza’s plant, during the summer break, we carried out many maintenance and plant improvement activities: the installation of a new EAF vault with its control valves for more timely handling, the complete overhaul of the de-sing tank bridge for water treatment, the placement of a new crossbar of the M10 finished goods […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Un bell’articolo sull’attuale situazione siderurgica e alcune previsioni future per il mercato dell’acciaio, pubblicato da Il Giornale di Vicenza.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Leggi qui l’intervista completa a Barbara Beltrame Giacomello realizzata al webinar di siderweb di oggi.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Martedì 8 settembre, Barbara Beltrame Giacomello interviene al webinar organizzato da siderweb sulla situazione siderurgica dell’ultimo quadrimestre. Clicca qui per iscriverti e […]
Stop and Go was yesterday! From today in our Swiss plant Stahl Gerlafingen we can automatically recognize and weigh the railway wagons on our dynamic railway scale without stopping with the help of cameras and AI. Many thanks to our partners hastema and WALO Bertschinger.
Summer break in LME surely does not rhyme with inactivity! Despite the actual circumstances, not only the maintenance works are maintained but also the investment ones. Our teams are mobilized around the constant improvement of many projects such as the rolling mill furnaces renovation works, modification of the rolling train water supply, revamping of the […]
Congratulations to Carlo Ieva and Beyza Dagci for finishing their apprenticeship in Stahl Gerlafingen! We hope that this experience has been interesting and useful for you and for your future business projects… maybe in the steel sector! Good luck guys
Summer shutdowns for scheduled maintenance in the last weeks in our Swiss company Stahl Gerlafingen. Many works have been completed: water tanks installed; sinter plant revised; frequency converter installed and efficiency measures implemented; cooling towers revised; more than 1.000 m2 of squares and streets renewed with Ruvido, our recycled material; BLS level crossing renewed; electrical […]
New, blue, working uniform in all our Italian sites with the professional service of Alsco Italia. Why blue? Because blue is the colour of trust. It inspires feelings of loyalty, integrity and responsibility. Like our people!
”Sustainability stimulates innovation, engages talents, increases management efficiency, attracts new investors, fundamental for risk management, empowers stakeholder relationship…” An interesting 4-days training in partnership with CUOA Business School and eAmbiente Group for AFV Beltrame Group about the hot topic of Sustainability and its increasingly important role in balancing economic, environmental and social needs to ensure […]
Enhancing human capital generates shared growth and training is one of the keys of the process. Have a look at the hours dedicated to this in our Group in 2019
We believe responsible sustainability means above all transparency towards our customers and suppliers with whom we have commercial relationships, but also shared values. Here a beautiful and quick preview of our new Corporate Sustainability Report. Have a look here
Barbara Beltrame interviewed by Alan Friedman. Look here the interesting conversation.
An interesting article about FY2019 results of AFV Beltrame Group published by Milano Finanza
There is also AFV Acciaierie Beltrame SpA among the top 49 companies in Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige and Friuli Venezia Giulia who received the Felix Industry Award for management performance and financial reliability. Read here complete article
“2019 was a year in line with the expectations we are satisfied with,” commented Raffaele Ruella, CFO & Head of Corporate Services of AFV Beltrame Group following the article in Il Sole 24 Ore on the publication of the financial statements 2019. “In recent years we have had solid, gradual but steady growth and, this […]
An interesting and in-depth interview with Alain Creteur, CEO Stahl Gerlafingen. Look it here
A special thanks to Federico Fioretto for his brilliant lecture about Sustainability and its many ways to empower every business. Inspiring how effectively the company using sustainability strategies and practices can best and profitably manage its operational context.
Today, on World Environment Day – WED, we are pleased to present our next Sustainability Report in preview. A communication and transparency project towards all our stakeholders. A report, on a voluntary basis, telling the continuous improvements we implement in the Group to manage the environmental aspects, reduce energy consumption, safeguard raw materials, reuse waste […]
Look at the video to find out efforts and measures adopted to prevent the spread of the infection.
The COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected many industries, including the steel sector. As for the recovery period, urgent measures are needed to revive the economy. Carlo Beltrame, CEO Donalam, shares his opinion on this topic in an interview for Forbes Romania.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. C’è anche AFV Beltrame Group tra le 110 realtà italiane e i gruppi multinazionali che hanno deciso di partecipare alla #CareerFair dell’Università […]
Donalam is actively involved in the development of vocational education in Călărași county, in Romania, and in the training of future specialists in the industrial field. So, they equipped with modern IT and mechanical equipment worth over 47.000 lei the laboratories of Mihai Eminescu and Danubius high schools, to provide students with practical training at […]
Congratulations to Barbara Beltrame Giacomello for having received the official appointment of Vice President of Confindustria with responsibility for internationalization this afternoon from President Carlo Bonomi. Our best wishes to her and the whole team.
In order to offer the highest quality products, Donalam, part of AFV Beltrame Group, has completed a 4 million euros investment in a special steel bar treatment equipment. This will allow the company to offer steel bar products with increased added-value (through treatment and finishing) and focus on customized orders. Read here the interesting article […]
Today is the International #NursesDay. We celebrate the hard, tireless and precious work of all them worldwide. To say “Thank you” once again, here another donations offered by Donalam to the Calarasi County Hospital. Last week arrived the surgical masks, today 11 monitors and a portable ventilation unit have been installed in the ICU. All […]
A new important investiment is now active! Produced by BM GROUP POLYTEC SPA, it’s a customized robotic cell with two robots tagging hot billets. It is placed at the exit of the continuous casting and can tag and track moving billets before the cooling plate. In order to identify the casting parameters properly associating them […]
In Romania, Donalam is pleased to contribute to the health and safety of its community during this difficult time. The 40.000 surgical masks purchased have reached their destination where their use is needed most: Calarasi County Hospital, Calarasi County Police Inspectorate and Calarasi Emergency Situations Inspectorate. To thank and protect those on the front line […]
AFV Beltrame Group is gradually reopening its manufacturing plants and offices in Italy and Europe this week. The regulated restart has one focus in all our Companies: extensive measures to protect the health and safety of our employees, families and global communty in order to minimizing the spread of covid19 coming back to our business. […]
Barbara Beltrame was nominated Vice President of Italy National Industrial Association today. Congratulations from all of us at AFV Beltrame Group
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Gli obiettivi della sicurezza IT e della sicurezza OT convergono nel salvaguardare la continuità operativa e del business. Ma quali le differenze […]
As one of the largest Company in Calarasi County, Donalam feels responsible for the well-being of its community. This is why they decided to purchase medical equipment worth over 130.000 euros: 40.000 KN95 masks, 11 monitors and a mobile ventilation unit. They will be donated to Calarasi County Hospital, the County Police Inspectorate and the […]
A token of gratitude for all doctors, nurses and hospital personnel that are at the forefront against Coronavirus for all of us. This is why the Beltrame Famliy and its Companies donated 100.000€ to Regione Veneto, 50.000€ to San Bortolo Foundation in addition to 50.000 surgical masks for the Vicenza’s Hospital. Also Donalam, the Company […]
Italy, France, Switzerland and Romania: four Countries, one Group. One, big, thank you to all our employees that during this critical time, are making all their best to maintain our productivity working in different ways (from homeoffice to the presence in the plants according to the national Covid19 guidelines) to ensure the supply of our […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. AFV Beltrame Group aderisce con impegno alla campagna #iopagoifornitori. In un momento economico di grande difficoltà per l’intero Paese, correttezza ed onestà, […]
The World Water Day is usually an international day to rise awareness about the great challenges we all have in front of us to face the global crisis in water. As a steel producer Company we well know the importance of water in our processing activities, that’s why we are involved in many projects to […]
Given the evolution of the Covid-19 epidemic, LME-BELTRAME GROUP priority is to prevent the health and well-being of its employees and their families. For this reason and because we all need to face this situation and contain the virus, the decision to stop all direct and indirect activities was taken from today up to the […]
Coronavirus: suspension of the activity. Since February 24th, the Company has adopted increasingly stringent precautionary measures to prevent employee health to cope with the spread of Coronavirus. To date, no case of Covid-19 has been found among our collaborators, but it has however been decided to suspend, following a specific calendar, the industrial activity in […]
In these difficult weeks for Italy and the whole world, AFV Beltrame Group manages the emergency #COVID19 by applying the regulatory provisions, adopting health and organizational countermeasures to protect the #health and #safety of all our people and of the whole Group and in order to pragmatically moderate the potential consequences on our business. Share […]
Bridging the gap between School and Workplace, showing the industrial reality of a steel company. Look at the video
Proud to have hosted the journalist Marco Gisotti and the ENEA’s researcher Antonio Disi who stopped in our Vicenza’s plant during their trip to Italy in order to discover the best stories of energy efficiency for the program “Italy in A Class”. Look the video here:
A multicultural environment begins with the knowledge and use of foreign languages! That’s why a new tool dedicated to English training is available to all the employees of the Group now! AFV Beltrame offers to all its people Speexx Essentials, an online language learning platform available 24 hours seven days a week on any device […]
The dynamism of Beltrame Group comes from people. We invest in the growth of our employees following the Continuous Improvement model. In 2019, 9 colleagues obtained the prestigious Green Belt certification, so now their ability to manage projects and reach improvement results will drive our efforts toward changes for the better even more.
Impossible doesn’t exist! This is the motto of A.S.D. I Delfini 2001, a nonprofit organization, supported by AFV Beltrame Group, that deals with the integration of people with disabilities through #sport. Sometimes they win, sometimes they fail, but they never give up! Proud of you, Delfini!
Glad to have hosted passionate and talented students of ITIS Rossi of Vicenza! A meeting to give them an inside look into our industrial reality and raise their knowledge about the steel sector. The moment they liked most? The guided tour of the plant, of course!
What are the main challenges and strategic choices introduced by companies in the field of industrial safety? What action and investment priorities in cybersecurity should we focus on? What implications for security are generated by new trends in digital innovation, particularly from AI and Blockchain? These, and many other issues, will be discussed today at […]
In order to prevent cyber attacks we need a new approach based on an ongoing process, made up of education, risk identification, recommendation, configuration changes as well as a factory upgrade that combine plant digitization and industrial security. In collaboration with BM GROUP POLYTEC SPA we adopted KICS, the specific Kaspersky Industrial Cyber Security platform […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Nello stabilimento di San Didero (TO) continua il percorso di revamping degli impianti produttivi, con focus sul treno di laminazione profili medi. […]
Diversity is a high-performance fuel and a very valuable asset. With 52 diverse nationalities, we are increasingly on the way of a multicultural working environment. Having values, beliefs and conventions distinctly different is a richness that lies at the heart of our Group. Have a look at the map and find out where actually our […]
We successfully improved the configuration of the existing primary fumes by-pass line in our Vicenza’s site in partnership with INTECO Melting and Casting Technologies GmbH. The installation allows a good performance of the primary EAF fume line without the help of a booster fan, permitting energysaving while limiting maintenance activities. Four dampers have been revamped […]
An article published by Il Sole 24 Ore about the generous Christmas from all the Italian employees of AFV Beltrame Group who decided to donate the whole amount of their traditional “Christmas gift” to local non-profit Organisations working for children who fight illness and for their families: Vicenza for Children, Fondazione Ospedale Pediatrico Meyer and […]
An article published by Il Sole 24 Ore about the generous Christmas from all the Italian employees of AFV Beltrame Group who decided to donate the whole amount of their traditional “Christmas gift” to local non-profit Organisations working for children who fight illness and for their families: Vicenza for Children, Fondazione Ospedale Pediatrico Meyer and […]
We have lit up our #Christmastree yesterday afternoon, to celebrate the traditional 30° working Anniversary of some colleagues and the ones who retired in 2019. A sharing moment in a merry atmosphere. A generous Christmas this year because all the Italian employees of AFV Beltrame Group decided to donate the whole amount of their traditional […]
We have lit up our #Christmastree yesterday afternoon, to celebrate the traditional 30° working Anniversary of some colleagues and the ones who retired in 2019. A sharing moment in a merry atmosphere. A generous Christmas this year because all the Italian employees of AFV Beltrame Group decided to donate the whole amount of their traditional […]
The “History and Industry” #2019Award was assigned to Donalam, AFV Beltrame Group, by Confindustria Romania: “For a particular spirit of adaptation to difficult challenges of the new market, for the vision and the essential professional contribution to the development of the #steel sector.” The prize was received by Carlo Beltrame
The “History and Industry” #2019Award was assigned to Donalam, AFV Beltrame Group, by Confindustria Romania: “For a particular spirit of adaptation to difficult challenges of the new market, for the vision and the essential professional contribution to the development of the #steel sector.” The prize was received by Carlo Beltrame
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Complimenti al nostro stagista Riccardo Rossato che si è laureato presso @Università degli Studi di Padova in Ingegneria dei Materiali con una […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Complimenti al nostro stagista Riccardo Rossato che si è laureato presso @Università degli Studi di Padova in Ingegneria dei Materiali con una […]
We gathered all our new colleagues during the autumn session of the #inductionweek. Five days of training, meetings with the team and a guided tour of the plant to help them to feel welcome and fit in quickly in the
We gathered all our new colleagues during the autumn session of the #inductionweek. Five days of training, meetings with the team and a guided tour of the plant to help them to feel welcome and fit in quickly in the
An interesting training in Stahl Gerlafingen, in Switzerland, about the quality aspects of scrap (Safety, Metallurgy, Environment, Geometry) and how they contribute to obtaining an efficient melt shop process and a high quality product.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Oggi nella sede di Confindustria Vicenza, si terrà il consueto incontro relativo all’Osservatorio Sindacale Nazionale, organizzato da AFV Beltrame Group, a cui […]
Willpower, resilience, vision, determination, passion, sacrifice, commitment, #teamspirit … Here some of the deepest and most authentic values and messages emerging from the world of #sport. How to transfer them to the the world of work and its organization was the topic of the exciting and engaging training meeting “Sportytelling”with Carlo S. Romanelli, in collaboration […]
Safety day in Donalam. The annual event to rise awareness about #Safety topics has been focused this year on: Group Safety Standard on work at height, energy isolation and LOTOTO (Lock Out – Tag Out – Try Out), lifting accessories and a practical first aid test in case of fracture and cutting. Next Safety Day […]
The cold season is fast approaching…In view of extending our #Welfare services, we offer a free of charge influenza vaccine to all our about 800 italian employees to help protect them against catching flu and developing serious complications. Joining the program is on a voluntary basis. #alwaysimproving #steel
AFV Beltrame Group will contribute to the event: “Green steel by EAF route workshop: a sustainable value chain in the EU Circular Economy scenario”, on 14 November with two keynotes. The presentation will be done by Giovan Battista Landra, Group Environment Director in the sessions “Scrap Management” and “Circular Economy”. The conference is organized by […]
An in-depth interview with Carlo Beltrame and an interesting article about our Donalam Company published by Ziarul Financiar:
Today at the 13th edition of the “Key Energy”, The Renewable Energy Expo, at the Rimini Fair, Gianmaria Zanni Group Energy Manager AFV Beltrame, representing Federacciai, will give a presentation on “Types of interventions for energy savings”. A very interesting intervention and not to be missed!
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Sei uno studente dell’ Università degli Studi di Padova ? Un giovane neolaureato in cerca di occupazione o uno stage? Non perdere […]
#Safety and #Security have the highest priority in our Company. Therefore we invest a lot in first aid trainings all over the year. Stahl Gerlafingen was nominated for the «Help Award» by the swiss Foundation of Heart Disease Prevention. Read the impressive story of a successful and remarkable first aid situation happened in our swiss […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. GRUPPO BELTRAME e POLYTEC consolidano la partnership nel processo di robotizzazione e #digitalizzazione 4.0. La collaborazione strategica ha portato allo sviluppo della […]
One of the areas of intervention of greatest impact, in the field of efficiency and #energy saving, is, without doubt, that of lighting. “That’s why GRUPPO BELTRAME has invested in a #relamping led lights project in all the italian sites with 3200 new led installed. The project has been carried out in part with the […]
For many years now, where possible, our logistic department has been preferring to use #intermodalshipments: in this way, CO2 emissions are reduced by 55% compared to just by road freights. The combined road-rail transport is currently used for all shipments to France, Germany and Northern Europe; however, towards Spain, we promote transports on ferries departing […]
A special focus on the #steel industry and the main producers’s point of view about the steel market, published on the insert “Nord Est Economia” today.
We participated in the Round Table on ISO 45001 organized by Tharsos S.r.l. during the “Ambiente e Lavoro Fair” in Bologna, yesterday. Valerio Forti Beltrame Group EHS Director highlighted: “An interesting comparison on the new standard with other important companies like: GEDI Gruppo Editoriale, Banca d’Italia – Eurosistema, Hitachi Rail IT, Edison SpA, Gilbarco Veeder-Root […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Eccoli i nostri #Giovanidacciaio del progetto “Imparare il lavoro 2019”. Nelle ore d’aula delle scorse settimane hanno potuto incontrare alcuni dei nostri […]
#neverstoplearning A very interesting training for our executives coming from all functional areas. Our managers received an overview of the most important tools of modern corporate finance which have taken them to an advanced level of knowledge of the main financial aspects.
The 89th AIKW, (International Association of Roll Pass Designers and Rolling Mill Engineers) annual general meeting will be held on October 3rd and 4th in Treviso. A 2-days workshop where Rolling mill Specialists will share the current developments in rolling mill technology, installation and equipment techniques, and will promote active exchange of experiences too. The […]
More than 50 Speakers, including our Group Energy Manager Gianmaria Zanni will discuss many important issues at the “It’s all Energy Efficiency” Event in Milan, today. They come from different sectors: Industry & Production, Retail, GDO, Food, HO.RE.CA, Pharma, Hospital, Transport, Logistic and will make their experties and best practices count on 8 panel discussions […]
We applaud the successes of our interns! Congratulations to Leonardo Taroni, our 6-months intern who graduated from Rotterdam Business School in International Business and Management Studies! The theme of his thesis was: “Employees Retention Rate in @GRUPPO BELTRAME” developed during his internship in our Company. All the best for your future career! #AFVInternship #GrowingWithUs
Valerio Forti, Group EHS Director explains the importance and value of the EPD Italy Program which allows Companies to communicate the environmental performance of their products in a comprehensible and credible way, as it is verified by an independent third party. Read how AFV Beltrame Group achieved this goal.
Bridging past and present with an old vintage postcard. It is worthy to remember our roots dated in 1896 and the passion that drives us and keeps on burning since then…
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Oggi nella sede di Sviluppo Formazione, Barbara Beltrame Giacomello, in qualità di Vicepresidente di Confindustria Vicenza ha presentato l’8^ edizione del progetto […]
AFV Beltrame Group keeps on investing in advanced products regarding mainly the improvement of Health and Safety in its production sites. During the past summer shut-down, many strategical activities have happened, here the most important: – A robotized cell in Ladle Furnace plant for automatic sampling and temperature measurement has been installed by BM Group […]
Can #CircularEconomy start from a pencil? The answer is absolutely YES!! Perpetua® is a special pencil made with patented circular materials. Starting from waste of the industrial production of graphite electrodes, Alisea Recycled & Reused Objects Design invented an innovative and technological material called Zantech®, produced using 80% of graphite powder that would otherwise have […]
Following the Certification Audit from RINA, AFV Beltrame SpA (All Italian Sites) achieved the ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety (OHS) management systems certification. ISO 45001 replaces OHSAS 18001, and sets out the requirements for organisations aiming to create a successful health and safety management system. Valerio Forti, Group EHS Director said: “We are proud […]
All the latest news about the new furnace in our Stahl Gerlafingen Company:
Some colleagues in Donalam have been rewarded for two projects about #Safety and #EnvironmentalImprovement: “Sound and thermal insulation of command posts” and “Partial reuse of wood packaging for products shipment”. The safety project focused on the risks at work and the related illness by involving workers to improve health and safety performances, and the environmental […]
An interesting article about our French Company LME, published by Les Echos:
The feminine team CSM Temerarii Calarasi, sponsored by DONALAM, AFV Beltrame Group, ranked first (after seven wins and a defeat) at the National Mini-Basketball Tournament in Costinesti where took part 36 teams from all over Romania. Although the mini-basketball category includes children up to 12 years of age, our Calarasi team had a lower average […]
Do you ever spare a thought for the people working behind the scenes of a great Company? People building the product, providing services, supporting the customers and ensuring the best for the Company everyday… This is the aim of our new Corporate Video that wants to show and celebrate the driving and winning force of […]
Heavy duty transportation early this morning on our site in Gerlafingen! A new 50 tons electric arc furnace was delivered today. The brandnew furnace will be built in during the summer stillstand. We continue to invest in our infrastructure for best performances and quality. For more details read here:
Our apprentices are the backbone of our Company. Congratulations for passing the final exams in Stahl Gerlafingen site! We thank you for your contribution and passion for GRUPPO BELTRAME. We are very happy to offer all of you a full time employement after your apprenticeship. Well deserved! We invest in the future!
An interesting article about the good 2018 results of our french Company Laminés Marchands Européens published by L’Observateur du Valenciennois.
Great teamwork is central to successful projects. In partnership with Festo Consulting & Academy Italia our colleagues attended a 360° training to develop new solutions to the challenges of modern #ProjectManagement. They analized and focused on the key-factors: processes, methods, skills, knowledge and experiences to ensure that difficult projects are handled and positive results are […]
Today we welcome the young team of the Talent Garden, the Europe’s leading innovation platform and coworking network for digital innovation. The Company has 23 campuses in 8 countries (Albania, Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Spain) hosting thousands of talented people, including startups, freelancers, companies and large corporations. We will host students for two […]
What unites and drives us is a shared belief in the teamwork as foundation of success at work as in sport! Our AFV-cyclists took 2 hours and 54 minutes to cover 63,2 km departing from Strigno (TN) and arriving in Caldonazzo lake and back! Well done! #AFVforSport #Team
The Group’s 2018 results confirmed a substantial consolidation for GRUPPO BELTRAME with an important increase in revenue (Ebitda adjusted +19,7%), sales volumes for over 2 million tons (+1,6%) and a further reduction in debt, with a positive contribution from all business lines. Proud of numbers that tell a story made up of commitment, vision and […]
The awareness of having limited resources in the world in which we live, imposes a new business model on productive organizations. A new way oriented towards the circularity of the value chain. We have faced the challenge with an integrated approach. Here how we intend Circular Economy in the steel industry.
A specific Health & Safety Meeting was held in our Company DONALAM, in Romania, to present the new Group standard on Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). JHA is a method for a more precise risk assessment of the relevant non-routine activities, a tool to define more specific prevention measures for the individual action. The JHA, also […]