Tuesday February 27th, 2024

Beltrame joined the new board of directors of the Green Building Council Italy

AFV Beltrame Group in the person of Giovan Battista Landra, Group Environment & Sustainability Director, has joined the new board of directors of the Veneto – Friuli Venezia Giulia Chapter of the Green Building Council Italia, a non-profit association whose members include the most competitive companies and the most qualified Italian associations and professional communities operating in the segment of the #sustainablebuilding.

The objective is to promote a process of transformation of the Italian building sector through the development of third-party certification of protocols developed for the specificities of the national market, whose parameters establish precise criteria for the design and realisation of healthy, energy-efficient buildings with low environmental impact.

“Being able to contribute to these goals, sharing our Group’s experience in a constant and positive confrontation with other partner realities on such important issues is certainly stimulating and of great interest to us, also in the light of the European guidelines on green building and #sustainable activities. The application of the Minimum Environmental Criteria in the projects of the #PNRR and the Complementary Plan, but also in private projects, designed according to #sustainability criteria, places great emphasis on the use of #steel products with a high recycled content and a low carbon footprint,” commented Landra.