Tuesday October 8th, 2024

Steel Orbis Italy Forum 2024

Market trends, forecasts on the future of steel, comments from authoritative guests: this is the agenda of the Italy Forum 2024, the SteelOrbis event being held today in Milan. https://event.steelorbis.com/en/italyforum2024/program/

Raffaele Ruella, Managing Director and Group CFO, attended the workshop presenting the speech: “Carbon management strategy in AFV Beltrame Group”.

“Sustainability efforts and the decarbonisation plan we structured will allow us to reach a 40 percent reduction of Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by 2030. To reach this goal the Group’s commitment translates into concrete actions and projects which arise from precise measurement and analysis of data and the market, but also from constant attention to the environment and innovation.

At the group organisational level, then, all this is the result of a pervasive organisation and precisely defined objectives made possible by the 5 Group pillars, which are reconfirmed as:
1. Reducing the carbon footprint in management and plant engineering;
2. Reduction of electricity and natural gas consumption by promoting the use of renewable energy;
3. Reduction of the accident index;
4. Reduction in industrial water consumption;
5. Optimal waste management, with a focus on recycling and recovery”.