Friday December 1st, 2023

Proud of Barbara Beltrame, winner of the “Business” category of the WE Award – Women Excellence

Barbara Beltrame Giacomello is the winner of the ‘Business’ category of the WE Award – Women Excellence dedicated to female excellence organised by Il Sole 24 Ore, in collaboration with the Financial Times and the media partnership of Sky TG24.

The WE Award 2023 is an international project dedicated to success stories, created to valorise the experience of women who have been able to achieve important results on a professional level or in the service of the common good. The shortlisted nominees told stories of life, before that of professional and/or social commitment, expressing a strong ability to inspire the women of today and tomorrow.

“I am proud of this recognition. It is an award that also gratifies my company, which belongs to a sector, the #siderurgical one, that has always been very masculine, but which over the years has been able, in a natural way, to welcome and value inclusiveness, creating a respectful and collaborative work environment with great attention to all people. A ‘steel with a human face’ is what we want to strive to build every day,’ said Barbara Beltrame.