Wednesday December 6th, 2023

Proud of the “Company for Generation Z” award

AFV Beltrame Group is among the winning companies of the second edition of the “Company for Generation Z”, an award instituted by the Radar Academy Business School that rewards the companies that have invested the most in “Generation Z”, through concrete policies of attraction, employment and talent enhancement.

“We are proud as an international group to have received this new recognition, we remain firmly convinced that valuing young people, discovering their potential and retaining the best talents is a pivotal point for the process of change and improvement of the corporate organisation. Participating in events with schools, universities and business schools is an effective way of attracting Gen Z talent and introducing them to the professional growth paths we can offer. But above all, it is an opportunity to make people discover a world, the steel industry, that is still so little taken into consideration by the younger generations and that instead really has a lot to offer from multiple perspectives,’ said Leonardo Princic, Group HR Management Senior Specialist who took the award.

An award that celebrates the intense activity that AFV Beltrame Group has developed during 2022 in favour of young people of generation Z and their professional integration.