Tuesday October 3rd, 2023

LME Groupe Beltrame organised its Safety and Sustainable Development Day.

“LME Groupe Beltrame organised its Safety and Sustainable Development Day.

This was another opportunity for employees to learn about a wide range of topics, including life-saving techniques, the carbon impact of our lifestyles and consumption patterns, and waste sorting. It was also an opportunity to share a convivial moment with colleagues.

“Occupational risk prevention is everyone’s business. In order to raise awareness among all employees and those working at the site, LME is rolling out a Health and Safety Commitment with the aim of achieving “zero accidents”. It is based on concrete actions that are embedded in the daily lives of employees and their subcontractors. Safety and Sustainable Development Day is a day that we have devoted to training, informing and preventing the various risks associated with the company” Joséphine MORET Safety Manager LME.