Thursday June 13th, 2024

Kallanish Europe steel markets 2024

Carlo Beltrame will discuss global steel megatrends, in the first session of the very interesting event organised by Kallanish Commodities “EUROPE STEEL MARKETS 2024”, in Milan, today, together with Henrik Adam, Vice President European Corporate Affairs, Tata Steel Ltd, Rolando Paolone, CEO and CTO, Danieli Group, Harssha Shetty, CEO, Jindal Shadeed Iron & Steel LLC.

The roundtable will deepen how, despite lacking the resources to produce green hashtag#steel competitively, the EU is charging ahead with more ambitious
hashtag#decarbonisation targets than any other region.

It will explore how Europe is responding to the hashtag#sustainability challenge and how intend to drive it. Furthermore, how are European mills responding to rising carbon cost, what prospects there are for European steel demand in 2024, if green ore-based metallic supply hubs are a viable model and many other relevant issues.

Don’t miss the event: that will take place also tomorrow.

Special thanks to Adam Smith, Global Editor at Kallanish and Bijan Farhangi, Head of events at Kallanish.