AFV Acciaierie Beltrame SPA

sqm total area


sqm total area




Tonnes produced steel mill


Tonnes produced steel mill

Tonnes produced rolling mill


Tonnes produced rolling mill


Production of merchant bars, beams and special steels destined for different areas of use: construction and structural steels sectors, shipbuilding, earth moving machinery and automotive. AFV Acciaierie Beltrame S.p.A. commits daily to ensuring that the pursuit of business development goes hand in hand with that of the people who work for the Group in Italy and abroad, through the continuous improvement of the virtuous relationship between sustainable productivity, social innovation and collective value. It’s a never ending path made of investments, training, sharing of values and implementation of best practices in all its locations.


Pursue production excellence and quality by establishing and maintaining a sustainable balance and growth with all stakeholders.


The name “Acciaierie Ferriere Vicentine” encloses the entire history of a company built in 1896 by its founder, Antonio Beltrame, who arrived in Vicenza and chose to devote himself to the processing of barrel hoops, horseshoes, and carriage wheel rims, before moving on to mechanical repairs, small carpentry with forge and manufacture of wire rod nails.

With the early development of his enterprise, the founder immediately proved to be a careful innovator. He realised the advantages of electrical energy over thermal energy and invested, year after year, in the growth of the workshop, adding foundry, wire drawing and punching shop departments, right up to the hardware shop. Within a few years, the “Premiato Stabilimento Meccanico a forza elettrica con Fonderia Antonio Beltrame” established itself quickly in terms of competence and quality. In the first decade of the 20th century, the Beltrame factory produced steam engines, compressors, pumps, bridges, canopies, transmissions, and equipment for mills and industrial plants.

However it soon opened to an increasingly broader market, with a focus on the organisational model, innovations and technical progress, work ethics and a primitive but effective form of corporate welfare. All these characteristics have been maintained as the company has grown and internationalised to this day.

The correspondence between the family name and the company – which at the time also represented a physical contiguity between factory and home – as well as the participation and contribution of all the family members, allowed the culture of productivity, quality and change to be merged with a deep-rooted spirit of belonging.

This last aspect has led to a harmonious synthesis between the culture of the family business and the characteristics of the managerial company, which feeds the spirit with which today Beltrame management interprets business and its growth, combining tradition, progress, modernity, and improvement.

Acciaierie Ferriere Vicentine Beltrame has gone through three industrial revolutions, and today has become a leading international steel company: AFV Beltrame Group.

Three plants are situated in Italy: Vicenza, San Giovanni Valdarno (AR) and San Didero (TO).


AFV Acciaierie Beltrame Spa aims to create value for its people and its target market through its competence, continous improvement and reliability towards its partners.

The company is present in all Italian regions.

The company believes that integrated sustainability (Economic, Social, Environmental) is the correct approach to pursue the objectives of sustainable development. The aim is clear: to generate value in a long-term perspective. Conducting business in a sustainable way means, first, efficiently, and strategically managing the available resources, whether natural, financial, human, or relational. In this way, value is generated for the company, and it is possible to contribute to the growth, improvement, and socio-economic development of the communities in which the company operates and of the actors that make up its value chain.


The management of human resources, as a lever for development and value creation, passes through their enhancement by means of a multiplicity of actions that the company encourages and supports in all its plants.

AFV Acciaierie Beltrame spa promotes the dissemination of an inclusive corporate culture aimed at ensuring respect for equal opportunities and eliminating situations of individual inequality, valuing diversity, considered a key asset for the growth of the whole Group.

Social responsibility

For us, responsible sustainability means, above all, clarity towards our customers and suppliers with whom we have not only business relationships but also shared values.

Clarity towards the local, national, and international communities of which we feel part and with which we collaborate to create a more prosperous, fair, and sustainable environment, respecting the differences, identities and cultures of each.

Our goal is to publicise the actions we have taken about our social responsibility and our efforts to implement the Sustainable Development Goals indicated by the United Nations, while at the same time strengthening dialogue and synergic cooperation with all our stakeholders to achieve these goals.

We are a Group that in the path of growth that we implement every day becomes more and more inclusive and promoter of a responsible business model, an industrial reality that is aware of the role it plays in its context of reference and that for this reason cannot refrain from providing concrete answers to the global challenges that the Environment, Society and the Market pose and that deserve to be listened to and acted upon.

Environmental Sustainability

Sustainable by adopting a truly integrated sustainability approach. Such a method can only aim at the 17 goals of sustainable development, a development that is also comprehensive and integrated, where one need (e.g. economic/employment) does not override another (e.g. environmental or social).


The Beltrame Group considers the respect and protection of the health and safety of workers and of the environment in which its plants are located, fundamental principles to be followed in carrying out its activities. This vision is implemented by favouring dialogue with employees, providing them with adequate training and continuous awareness and involvement.

The Vicenza headquarters has the task of coordinating activities concerning the management of Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) issues, defining lines of action, monitoring their application, and coordinating the activities carried out in the individual Italian and foreign plants. In each plant, resources specifically trained and dedicated to the management of activities on the subject are allocated.

    It is the Group’s intention to follow the principles below:
  • integrate the concepts of environment, health, and safety at work into company management;
  • preventively assess the risks of each work activity performed within the Group’s sites, to be able to implement appropriate actions to prevent accidents or occupational diseases and in any case to minimise, as far as technically possible, the severity and probability of such events;

  • comply with the laws and other prescriptions voluntarily subscribed to, concerning the environment, health, and safety of workers, by means of continuous updating activities and timely verification of compliance with the prescriptions;
  • promote continuous and effective communication activities with all interested parties (employees, customers, contractors, suppliers, institutions, citizens) and information/training, where required, in relation to health and safety and environmental issues, to ensure an adequate level of awareness;
  • constantly monitor, for continuous improvement, environmental aspects and residual health and safety risks, using appropriate control tools and monitoring systems.

Based on these principles, the Group develops programs aimed at continuously improving the efficiency and effectiveness of its processes and systems, setting objectives and targets to

  • promote the reduction of risks of injury, occupational diseases, health, and safety at work for all employees;
  • pursue the reduction of its significant environmental impacts (atmospheric emissions, waste production, energy consumption and water consumption).

In this context, the Group has made significant investments in plants and human resources development in recent years.


AFV Acciaierie Beltrame SPA

Viale della Scienza, 81
36100 Vicenza (Italy)

Ph. +39 0444 967111
Fax +39 0444 348577

Via Pramolle, 1
10050 San Didero (TO) - Italy
Ph: +39 011 9635111

Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, 13
52027 San Giovanni Valdarno (AR) – Italy
Ph: +39 055 9111461


Fax +39 0444 348591


Fax +39 0444 348579