Friday April 12th, 2024

Smart&Hack Veneto 2024: Beltrame among the six leading companies

A great #technological innovation challenge, designed to help attract talent to Veneto, reversing the trend of migration of young graduates from the North-East.

This is the aim of the project: ‘Smart&Hack Veneto 2024‘, which will take place on 2 and 3 May.

A challenging two-day national hackathon promoted by the employment agency RISORSE SPA in collaboration with the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Padua and the SMACT Competence Centre of Padua, under the patronage of the Municipality of Padua and the City of Vicenza.

Six companies, including the BELTRAME GROUP, are ready to launch challenges to young university students on the basis of which they will develop ad hoc projects during the event.
Everything will take place online and will see young people from all over Italy working on the theme of transformative competences, divided into three areas: HR transformation, transformative innovation and transformative sustainability.

“AFV Beltrame strongly believes in the hashtag#attraction and hashtag#retention processes of the new generations. They, in fact, are the pivotal point in the process of change and improvement of the corporate organisation for several reasons such as digital expertise, diversity and inclusion, creativity, innovation, as well as the enhancement of corporate branding. It is precisely for this reason that we decided to participate in Smart&Hack, proposing a challenge entitled ‘Innovation Mindset & Industry Development: how to make the steel world more appealing for the stakeholders of AFV Beltrame Group. A new, more sustainable look starting from the group’s innovation projects’, explained Giulia Caruso, group HR management director & deputy CHRO.