Don’t miss today the penultimate leg of Bilanci d’Acciaio’s journey through steel Italy, organised by Siderweb, at which Carlo Beltrame will speak.
The event will focus on two topics: on the one hand, the analysis of the balance sheet results for the three-year period 2019-2021 in the North-East and a comparison with the performance of Italian companies in the sector, and on the other, a commentary on the outlook for the sector in the latter part of 2022 and in 2023.
In the first part of the workshop there will be space for analysts, with speeches by Cristian Carini (Università degli Studi di Brescia) and Stefano Ferrari (Ufficio Studi siderweb), who will respectively delve into the economic results of the steel supply chain in the North-East and the economic situation and prospects for the Italian steel sector in the coming year.
In the second part Davide Lorenzini (Siderweb) will interview Carlo Beltrame (AFV Acciaierie Beltrame), Francesco Manni (Manni Group) and Andrea Del Moretto (BPER Banca).