Thursday June 6th, 2024

The University of Lille visits LME

We were delighted to welcome professors from the University of Lille – UMET – Matériaux Et Transformations unit for a visit to the LME steelworks.

The Materials and Transformations Unit (UMET, UMR CNRS 8207) carries out its research activities in the fields of polymers, metallurgy, surface treatment, etc.
The work carried out by the teams has a variety of objectives. They may be aimed at a direct application with industrial partners or at understanding the elementary processes that determine a given phenomenon or behaviour.
The UMET brings together staff and resources from ENSCL, the University of Lille, the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).

The aim of the visit was to support research into a way of extracting from steel all the elements that cannot be extracted at present, such as copper and lead.

It was an enriching visit for both parties, with the possibility of eventually benefiting from the progress of this research.