Thursday November 30th, 2023

AFV Beltrame Group has been awarded the BAQ, again this year!

AFV Beltrame Group has been awarded the BAQ, again this year!
The Bollino per l’Alternanza di Qualità (Seal of Quality Alternation) rewards those companies that distinguish themselves for the realisation of high quality school-work alternation courses by activating virtuous collaborations with secondary schools and vocational training centres.

The aim of the initiative is to enhance the commitment of companies in training activities and to counter the mismatching of skills, the cause of the mismatch between labour supply and demand that slows down the country’s economic and social development.

AFV Beltrame Group is committed to bridging precisely that ‘training’ gap between the academic world and the world of work, and to trying to make it less difficult for young people to enter the company once they have finished their studies.

Through the organisation of school-to-work alternation courses, companies provide young people not only with basic knowledge, but also with the skills they need to enter the job market, alternating hours of study with hours spent in the classroom and hours spent in the company, to ensure real and meaningful experience ‘in the field’.

For this very reason, during 2023, we placed 5 young people, from 5 local and neighbouring schools, in 4 different company departments.