Wednesday March 20th, 2024

The 5th Report “Foreign-controlled enterprises in Italy” presented yesterday during the ABIE Annual Meeting

On the occasion of the second Annual Meeting of the Advisory Board for Foreign Investors (#ABIE) of #Confindustria, entitled: "Investing in the future by navigating uncertainty", the 5th Report realised by the Osservatorio Imprese Estere and Luiss Guido Carli University in collaboration with ISTAT, Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca and ICE was presented yesterday. The Report analysed the role of foreign capitalised enterprises in the Italian economy and their contribution to economic growth, #innovation, exports and attention to #sustainability and the #wellbeing of workers.

There are 17,641 foreign enterprises active in Italy. Growing by 11.8% compared to 2019, they have a significant presence in industry with 28.7% (5,067 companies) particularly in strategic sectors such as pharmaceutical, automotive, energy, chemical, IT and commercial. Most of these enterprises are based in the European Union.

"These companies stand out for their presence in high-tech sectors, their focus on the #circular economy, pollution monitoring and #sustainablemobility. They invest in new technologies and continuous staff training", highlighted Barbara Beltrame Giacomello, Vice President for Internationalisation of Confindustria and President of ABIE. "However, Italian companies with foreign capital face significant challenges, including a shortage of qualified personnel and bureaucratic burdens. To face these challenges, the only way is to work together to create the conditions for them to continue to believe in our country and seize new investment opportunities".

Click here to download the report.