The idea

Chalibria genesis

Chalibria was created to contribute to the transition toward a sustainable society and address the climate change. Purchasing Chalibria means becoming part of a supply chain and a production system that put sustainability at the forefront. The carbon neutrality target by 2050 set by the European Commission through the “European Green Deal” is just the first step in a new steelmaking outlook: a fully circular, waste-free economy, that can safeguard the environment. Buying Chalibria is to join a green supply chain and a production system focusing on sustainability, enabling us and our customers to achieve medium- and long-term emissions and environmental impact targets.

The idea

The fantasy of the term Chalibria leads to a kind of journey through time, more precisely to the Latin people of the Chalybes, to whom the historians attribute the invention of the steel industry and reaches our times, where attention and protection of the environment impose to find a new balance, even to the steel. The interlocking of the profiles represented in the logo to form three C (Carbon neutral, Circular, Committment), refers, on the one hand to the circularity of the value connected with our business, and on the other hand to the balance that we want to pursue, starting from the reduction of the carbon footprint and putting ESG principles on an equal footing in all activities and processes. For all this, Chalibria stands for transparency and accountability. A name that from the ancient forges looks to the future of an increasingly conscious and circular steel.


Brochure Chalibria
Percorsi di decarbonizzazione:
strategie e approfondimenti per il 2024.
Percorsi di decarbonizzazione
strategie e approfindimenti per il 2023
Brochure Chalibria
Pathways to Decarbonization:
2024 strategies and insights.
Pathways to Decarbonization:
2023 strategies and insights.
Brochure Chalibria
Démarche de décarbonation:
2023 stratégies et perspectives
Brochure Chalibria
Brochure Chalibria


Video Chalibria French event
Video Chalibria Swiss event
Video Chalibria Italy event
Video Chalibria Bucharest event
Chalibria Bucharest Event